Sunday, 15 December 2013


Oh look, it's 4.46 am...

And why am I awake? Haven't you ever had one of those nights where your brain is working overtime processing thoughts, scenarios and dreams, and after an hour or so, you conclude that: A) you're actually not really asleep, and; B) you're not getting back to sleep anytime soon? That's me right now.

In short, my brain has been very excited just now projecting scenes on the cinema screen of my imagination of us picking visitors up from the Sakhalin airport and taking them for a tour of our home city and new house. Then, the scenes of daily life in an abnormally-big Russian household including the faces I don't even know yet.

It's all very close now, having just spent yesterday organising copies of all or supporting documents ready for notarisation on Monday, and with tickets in hand for Yuzho-Sakhalinsk on Friday.

We will be taking the next big step towards making Mother Russia our adopted homeland. This includes an overnight queuing at the Federal Migration Service on the first business day in January to get these applications in first, in order to be part of the yearly intake quota.

That's when we come back here to Krasnoyarsk and await the outcome of our application (typically 4-6 months).

It's something all our supporters can pray about. Knowing that you are, I can probably go back and get some sleep!

Goodnight (спокойной ночи)!

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